This program is offered in person.
3414 168th St SE
Bothell, WA 98012
(425) 385-7700
OFFERED BY Everett School District
Who It's For
Pre-K — 12th
Program Overview
The Everett Public Schools Kids in Transition (KIT) program implements the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act and the Foster Education Program.
KIT supports students who qualify as either living in a foster care; or those who meet the definition of homeless under federal McKinney-Vento legislation. McKinney-Vento eligibility is based on the student's nighttime residence and is far more inclusive than what many consider homeless. Students who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence may qualify. KIT works to eliminate barriers to students’ enrollment, academic success, and extra-curricular participation.
We do what we can to ensure eligible students have school supplies and may coordinate academic support, tutoring, or facilitate student participation in extended day or summer school classes. We may help students participate in activities such as school-related sports or clubs by paying the required fees. KIT may coordinate transportation for eligible students to maintain school stability, as long as the commute is feasible.
KIT supports students who qualify as either living in a foster care; or those who meet the definition of homeless under federal McKinney-Vento legislation. McKinney-Vento eligibility is based on the student's nighttime residence and is far more inclusive than what many consider homeless. Students who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence may qualify. KIT works to eliminate barriers to students’ enrollment, academic success, and extra-curricular participation.
We do what we can to ensure eligible students have school supplies and may coordinate academic support, tutoring, or facilitate student participation in extended day or summer school classes. We may help students participate in activities such as school-related sports or clubs by paying the required fees. KIT may coordinate transportation for eligible students to maintain school stability, as long as the commute is feasible.
Registration Details
Referral Required
How To Register
Please contact your building's KIT support staff.
City: Bothell
Phone: (425) 385-4000
Email: [email protected]
OFFERED BY Everett School District