Centering joy—how Best Starts ensures King County youth are happy, healthy, safe, and thriving.
The Best Starts for Kids initiative is designed to ensure that all young people in King County are happy, healthy, safe and thriv...
Offered by: City of Redmond
In-personDrop-InCamps/ClassesArts & CultureMusicVisual ArtsDigital ArtsCareer Exploration & Job Training Career ExplorationYouth EmploymentJob Skills TrainingApprenticeships & InternshipsScience, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM)AcademicsLeadership, Service & Social JusticeCivic EngagementLeadershipService LearningYouth OrganizingMentoringGroup MentoringPhysical Activity & Sport
This program is offered in person.
6505 176th Place NE
Redmond, WA 98052
(425) 556-2300
2 staff for every 20 youth