SUCCESS Mentoring works to help struggling youth thrive socially and academically by pairing them with adult mentors who provide support. The program fosters long-term relationships between mentors and mentees with the aim of helping participants overcome personal and family problems, stay in school, increase their academic achievement and motivation, improve their decision-making skills and increase their sense of self-worth.
The program is ideal for children and youth, age six to eighteen, who live in East King County and come from single-parent households, are at-risk for academic failure, or have received disciplinary actions. They do not need to be clients of YES.
YES pairs mentors with youth based on gender, culture, interests, availability and location. Mentors and mentees commit to spending 2-4 hours a week together for at least one year. The pair build a strong friendship by doing the kind of things they both already enjoy – hiking, shopping, eating pizza, playing games, visiting sporting events, and many more! YES organizes free activities and events, such as movie nights, crafts, back-to-school backpack drive and more! Mentors also emphasize academics by assisting with homework and skill-building on a regular basis.