Kent School District

Kent School District encompasses a diverse terrain. As the fifth largest district in Washington state, KSD is composed of 43 schools from seven municipalities. The district boundary includes 72 square miles across southern King County. Our over 25,000 students come from suburban centers and rural communities to learn.

A fundamental goal of KSD is to prepare all students to be college and career ready by raising the academic and social learning bar and closing the gaps to student achievement and college completion. To achieve excellence for every student, KSD provides students with academic supports rooted in action research.

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This organization offers 2 program(s)

Career & Technical Education

Offered at Kent School District No. 415

Our Career and Technical Education (CTE) team promotes and supports middle and high school programs that provide 21st century, academic and technical ...
iGrad Academy

Offered at Kent School District No. 415 - iGrad Academy

Individualized Graduation & Degree (iGrad) ProgramKent School District, Green River College, and Renton Technical College have a unique partnershi...

Our Partners