All coaches and staff are fully vaccinated. On August 18, 2021, Governor Inslee announced a directive requiring school staff, childcare workers, and employees of licensed and certified early-learning, child care or youth-development programs to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or obtain a religious or medical exemption by October 18, 2021. As a physical activity, positive youth development program, Girls on the Run of Puget Sound will align with these guidelines and require all volunteers and staff to be fully vaccinated.
Masks are required. Volunteers and participants should wear a mask before, during, and after each Girls on the Run session. This includes DURING running, unless a 6’ social distance can be confidently maintained. We understand that individuals may need a break from the mask, so we encourage anyone to take a step back from the group if they need a mask break. Parents must wear a mask during pick-up/drop-off and, when reasonable, maintain 6’ of distance between anyone outside of their household.
Stay home when sick. If you are sick or have been in contact with someone who has been ill, stay home! Please do not attend Girls on the Run until at least 10 days have passed since the onset of your symptoms AND you have been symptom-free without medication for 72 hours. All volunteers and participants must complete a self-health screen before each practice (full details in our Return to Play).
Wash your hands. Handwashing is encouraged before and after practice. Hand sanitizer will be provided for each team and use before, after, and throughout practice is encouraged.