Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question that is not answered here, please send us an email at: [email protected]. You can also  browse the Elevate Washington member system user guide for more detailed instructions and tips on creating and managing your profiles.

What kind of data does Elevate Washington ask for?

Elevate Washington collects information about organizations, the site locations where programs are offered and details about each unique program. Below is an overview of the types of data we ask for.

  • Organization details
  • Funding sources
  • Youth, staff and board demographics
  • Site and program details (address, contact info, cost, eligibility requirements, offering categories, times of service, days of service, etc.)

View our data guide for more details


Who can I contact for support?

For direct support regarding Elevate Washington, please email [email protected] with questions or to report any errors or bugs that you might be experiencing.

We’re always happy to schedule a Zoom session or phone call to talk through your questions and help you get started.

You can also use the form at the bottom of the page to contact us.

Why is data sharing important?

Data allows School’s Out Washington to shine a light on needs and gaps so that we can move quickly to address what is not working and channel resources accordingly. With good data we can have an impact on children and young people by:

  • Equipping providers with tools and insights to inform programming decisions and target services to where they’re needed most
  • Influencing policy and practice so that we can increase access to quality programs for young people—especially for low-income and BIPOC youth
  • Capturing and maintaining youth and staff demographics data so that we have a lens on who’s being served and by whom

Should the same program at different sites be listed individually?

Yes, the same programs at different locations should have separate profiles. For example, if an organization hosts a Karate program at 5 different locations, each of those 5 sites  should have a unique program profile. In order to make this manageable for larger organizations, program profiles can be easily duplicated, edited and attached to different site profiles.

What information is displayed in the youth program directory?

Most of the data you provide is not made public. However, some information is presented in the public-facing youth program directory. This information is intended help people find and evaluate available programs in their area.

  • Program description and logo or photo
  • Offering categories
  • Site details and contact info
  • Web page link
  • Days and times of service
  • Languages spoken
  • Cost
  • Registration, eligibility and documentation requirements

Browse the youth program directory to see how your information will be presented.

Who should be an administrator? How do permissions work?

The person who adds an Organization profile is automatically made the Organization Administrator. Organization Administrators should be someone with access to an Organization’s internal reporting information.

You can change or add user roles in the “Users” tab in the member system. Organization Administrators can assign different roles such as Site Administrator, Program Editor and Read Only.

Site Administrator can view all profiles and edit specific sites and their programs.

Program Editor can view all profiles and edit specific programs.

Read Only can view (but not edit) all profiles.

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